Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Still Buzzing...

*Brit a stalker?
-Britney's critically acclaimed role on CBS's How I met Your Mother may mean the former pop-star could be back for seconds. TV Guide reports that the star is in talks to return as Ted's stalker. I'll admit...I watched her the first time and would totally go back for seconds.

* The Hills are alive with the sound of politics...
-Earlier this week The Hills Heidi Montag publicly endorsed Republican John McCain for president (yup she totally helped sway my vote...gag me). In response McCain claims that he is a HUGE Hills fan and never misses an episode (he must have TiVo because I highly doubt he puts his campaign on hold for MTV). Maybe, if McCain wins the presidency, he'll just play a marathon of the show instead of the ever-boring State of the Union address.

* Now THIS is entertaining.
-I can't help it. I am enjoying this story WAY to much. Penn State basketball player Stanley Pringle has been charged for masturbating in public. More specifically he was wacking off in the LIBRARY. Two things are wrong with this story: 1) Basketball players in the library? Penn State's library must have a video game center or something. 2) If you are going to get off in the library you're supposed to find a girl to take to the stacks with you. Apparently Pringle was flying solo, saw a women in the stacks, and starting masturbating at her. Nice touch.

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