Sunday, November 2, 2008

At the Request of Others: Twilight

I've broken down. At the request of loyal Ebuzz readers, I'm finally posted for the first time on Twilight. 
  I had a Twilight fan on the show a few weeks ago (that video will be up soon), so I figure if I've talked about it on TV, I should talk about it on here too.
  Below you'll find a trailer for the movie.  The film is based on a best-selling series of novels by Stephanie Meyer.  Fans of the teen love books are hailing the movie as a possible "Harry Potter" predecessor.  Whether or not the reaction from audiences will be the same once the box office opens, remains to be seen, but I think Twilight, will at least make some media waves during its upcoming press tour.
  Look for more Twilight in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

Molly said...
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