Friday, December 11, 2009
The Climb, and the Fall
Thus, it was no surprise to most when "The Climb" received a Grammy nomination for best song written for a movie. What WAS surprising was when it was announced that Disney was pulling the track from contention.
Apparently Miley's ballad wasn't actually written FOR the movie. Director Peter Chelsom found it while scouring Nashville for the movie's music and built the film around it (not the other way around).
It doesn't look like Cyrus has spent too much time (or any at all, for that matter) dwelling on the incident. Instead she's giving fans something new and exciting to look forward to musically. This time it's a remake of the Poison hit "Every Rose has its Thorns". Word even has it that Poison frontman Brett Michaels has even helped Miley record the remake.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Do Miley and Timberland Really "Belong to the Music"?
What do you think?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Catching up With Caspa'
(KU): Who are some of your musical inspirations and why?
2 PAC - Simply because he's the BEST!!!
Lil Wayne - For bringing a NEW sound and breath of fresh air to HIP HOP.
Jay-Z - For creating everlasting songs.
Eminem - For having so many songs I could relate to as a kid growing up.
Ludacris - For creating songs with passion and emotion.
Jadakiss - For being one of the best LYRICIST!!!
And Last but not least
Lil Flip - For being a REAL MC, as well as for being the first MAJOR artist I worked with.
(KU): Michigan has a rich musical history, but much of it is focused in and around the Detroit area... how do you think West Michigan's music scene compares?
(Caspa'): Personally, I believe in the NEW age music era there are equal opportunities on both sides of the state.. With that said, only the Performers/Songwriters/
Due to prior work with DETROIT artist' I have seen both sides of the state make great progression. My producer from Ypsilanti MI, Flawless of THE OLYMPICKS who does production for the biggest DETROIT musicians has recently signed as an in house producer for MABACH MUSIC under the world wide recording artist RICK ROSS. Flawless introduced me to a few Detroit artist some of which are doing national projects as we speak.
On the other hand, I also see the spectacular progression WEST MICHIGAN has made in the last few years introducing ourselves into the worldwide music circuit. With Grand Rapids native Willie The Kid working with DJ. Drama that has been a breakthrough for a Local artist.
With his numerous national collaborations on the GANGSTA GRILLZ albums he has given WEST MICHIGAN the gateway to advance in the music industry.
There are many Muskegon, Holland, and Grand Rapids musicians who are good but either have no motivation, or no networking ability.
Soon enough, people will recognize WEST MICHIGAN as one of the best places for raw talent.
You also have to add to that DETROIT is a hard city to make anything happen in, don't get me wrong. But MUSKEGON has the LOWEST economy in the state, and if you think about it MICHIGAN has the lowest out of the UNITED STATES. Put it all together and you will have some of the BEST success stories to come from the bottom rather than a larger more recognized city.
(KU): You've collaborated on a number of tracks... who has been your favorite person to work with thus far?
(Caspa'): Yea, I've worked with too many artist to name but just to name my personal favorites;
LIL FLIP was a great artist to work with due to the fact of his world wide exposure.
As for on a personal note I would have to say my favorite artist to work with is CHRIS LEE.
Chris works with me day in and day out. We're currently working on a couple projects together. Caspa' & Chris Lee are putting out a mixtape together, as well as THE ALLIANCE mixtape to drop in JANUARY. THE ALLIANCE a NEW worldwide group Chris and I are a part of.
(KU): What are your long-term musical goals?
(Caspa') Honestly, there is NEVER one goal in this industry.
I can say I'd love to have a Multi-Platinum album, and a few more awards on these walls.
I started my company Ske-City Entertainment back in 2007.
My sole purpose of starting my company was to show my maturity and progression as an artist. It's not just about making songs anymore, this is LIFE how I plan to survive in years to come.
With that said, I make timeless records. Every song I write is because of a LIFE experience that I feel someone else in the world could relate to. If I can change one persons feelings by a song then that song has done it's job.
My goal is to touch as many peoples hearts as possible, and improve the quality of music which is being made at this very moment.
I will not be a one hit wonder, and I will not stop at 15 minutes of fame. I plan to become one of the biggest worldwide artist ever!!!!
(KU): Do you think the internet and music downloading has had a positive, or negative effect on the industry? How has it impacted your career?
(Caspa') As an independent artist I have to say the Internet has improved the chances of national exposure. Without MYSPACE, FACEBOOK, or TWITTER I would not have as big of a following as I have. When I release a link online for a {FREE DOWNLOAD} I get anywhere from 200 to 2,000 plays and downloads in the first hour. As where even with radio play not all of your fans have the same access to the songs when it is convenient for them. I don't believe I'm far enough along to realize the longevity role the Internet will hold on my career.
However, the Internet has also decreased ALBUM sales, as well as T.V. video exposure. People will not go out and buy a Store Purchased album when they can go online and download the exact same thing for half the cost, sometimes even for FREE.
I was actually thinking of this last night.
Why pay for Manufactured Distribution which can result in a loss due to the affects from INTERNET downloads, when you can now sign an ONLINE DISTRIBUTION DEAL that can do the same for you for a lesser cost and more effective result? This being a positive result from the Music Industry going ONLINE from an INDEPENDENT LABEL perspective.
As for a Major Label; YES, these results have shook the industry. With the average NEW artist to sign to a MAJOR LABEL for a longer deal with a lesser sign on bonus.
(KU): Do you write your own music? If so, where do you draw your inspiration from?
(Caspa'): Yes, I write all my own LYRICS. Like I stated before every song I create is from a LIFE experience. Something I have been through personally, or I have seen a friend go through.
The inspiration comes from my HEART, people always tell me I have a big heart. That's because I care about how people react to my music. Music is all about EMOTION and how you can create an interest for your explanation of these emotions.
As for production, I work with allot of great producers in the industry.
Flawless - THE OLYMPICKS {Mabach Music} (Detroit, MI)
C.P. Hollywood - {Slip N' Slide Records} (Miami, FL)
VYBE - {UNSIGNED} (San Jose, Ca)
Young Cash - {Custom Made Entertainment} (Dallas, TX)
(KU): What's your favorite place in Michigan and why?
(Caspa'): My favorite place in MICHIGAN is Muskegon, where else but Ske-City???
The reason being is this will always be home. No matter how far I go away or I where I move I've always returned to this city I love. I don't really know if it's the people around here, or because this is where my family and friends are but this is my city. This is what I call home.
Monday, November 9, 2009
For the First Time Ever, I Can't WAIT for Valentine's Day
And yet, for the first time ever, I'm really looking forward to the pink and red covered calendar day this February. Why, you ask? Because what could turn out to be one of, if not the, best romantic comedy of the year will be hitting theaters.
Watch the trailer for the apporpriatly named "Valentine's Day" and you too will get giddy with excitement. With an all-star ensemble that makes the case of Ocean's 11 pale in comparison... this film already has every element necessary to get me into theaters.
Bradley Cooper.
Patrick Dempsey.
Ashton Kutcher.
And I'm just scratching the surface of the hot men involved in this flick.
For men, there are a series of delights for you too.
Emma Roberts
Julia Roberts
Jessica Biel
Jessica Alba
I'm still stunned I'm usuing all of those names TOGETHER.
So watch the trailer (below) and get excited for the chocolate love-fest that will be "Valentine's Day."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
EBUZZ Season 5 Episode 6!!!!!!
Watch Ebuzz Season 5 ep 6 in News | View More Free Videos Online at
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Glee's Mark Salling a.k.a "Puck"
It is because of my unyielding devotion to Glee that I bring you today a closer look at one of the series' stars: Mark Salling.
Salling plays "Noah Puckerman" better known as "Puck", the rebel-without-a-cause football playing man whore who also happens to join the showchoir. His role has grown substantially throughout the first half of the season and he now plays a crucial role in a key elemant of the season's plot-arc. It was his recent rendition of "Sweet Caroline", however, that melted my heartstrings.
Watch and fall in love:
Mark is the perfect cinderella-Hollywood story. I'd bore you with the details, but his official website can do that for me. I urge you to check it out and also fall in love with the extremely talented and ruggedly-good looking Mark Salling.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween on Ebuzz!!!
Watch The Entertainment Buzz S5E5 in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lil Wayne off to Prison!

Lil Wayne will be spending the next year in prison. However, the worst part about the experience is that he will have to shave his head! Bye Bye Dreadlocks! Weezy plead guilty to a criminal possession of a weapon in New York this past week. Dreads are almost always prohibited in New York correctional facilities. The only way he can keep the locks is if he claims to be a Rastafarian! I don't mean to stereotype, but that could be easy for him with the amount of ganja Wayne (aka Dwayne Carter) has been caught with over the years!
Cyrus Voted Worst Celebrity Influence
Miley Cyrus, one of Disney's hottest stars of the past three years with hit records and hit films, has been voted the worst celebrity influence of 2009 by the very people who made her a star, tweens and teens, according to an online poll on Wednesday.
Cyrus, 16, took 42 percent of votes in the poll for AOL's (Just So You Know) website aimed at 9-15 year-olds, pushing Britney Spears and rapper Kanye West into second and third places, respectively, in a section on worst celebrity influences of the year.
No reasons were given for the poor showing of the singer-actress and the popular star of Disney Channel's "Hannah Montana" television series.
I sympathize because, while my demons are on a MUCH, MUCH, smaller scale... like almost everyone else in society they still exist. Like many of you I have battled peer pressure, critics, and a society that would like nothing else than to see you fall flat on your face.
America may be the land of opportunity, but it sure as hell isn't the land of "Let me hold your hand and help you get there."
This is the land of tough-shit, buckle-down, and work your ass off for every opportunity you get.
The kids that voted Miley a bad influence in that poll are probably some of the same teens that are out under-age drinking, bullying their peers, and taking place in other highly hypocritical acts.
When one of them puts out a super-successful TV series, a slew of multi-platinum selling albums, and a pair of box-office return gems... then they can vote however they darn well please.
A Little College Humor
Believe me when I say this is well worth the two minutes it'll take from your life to watch.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thank You CW for Getting Something Right
The CW and I have a love hate relationship. I LOVE Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, 90210, and the Vampire Diaries. I hate the fact that they chose to pick up Melrose Place over a Gossip Girl spin-off. I also hate that they continue to extend the life of Smallville, a show I used to love, making it into a 7th Heaven like shell of itself now in its umpteenth year.
Today I am in love with the CW's decision to axe Ashlee Simpson-Wentz from the new MP. If you insist on making yet another classic remake, then at least do it justice. Simpson-Wentz ruined that show from the minute she stepped into the frame. Her character, Violet, is creepy, awkward, and her storyline is clearly an outlier in the greater scheme of the show. Executives had to see that everytime Aslee entered the picture she made fans uncomfortable.
I only hope the network makes another equally intelligent decision and decides to greenlight the GG spin-off. Brittany Snow deserves to be back on TV again... primetime just isn't the same without her.
Thank You Jib Jab
My favorite part of the site comes around the holidays where it allows you to create your own free Jib Jab mash-ups.
While normally I turn into a grinch around Halloween (I could care less about the holiday... I blame it on overindulgence as a youth---I was the kid with the intricate and overdone costumes), this video made me laugh so hard I ALMOST have a new appreciation for the confectioners created celebration of candy.
If you enjoy it as well, you can make your own Jib Jab Halloween video (it's great for procrastinating!!).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Things I'm Thoroughly Annoyed With Right Now
As a news producer I also am responsible for scouring the entertainment wires on a daily basis to find a handful of stories worthy for the morning show "Breakfast Dish". This seems like it would be an easy task... there's always something going on in the entertainment world, right? WRONG!
There are always stories, sure... but never any good ones. The same names pop up time and time again. I'm guilty of feeding into this frenzy. I don't dare count how many Miley Cyrus themed posts have made it on this blog. I dish on the hot topics and buy into the petty gossip like anyone else. But this week... I've decided I've had enough. The same couple of names continue to pop up on the AP wires (and Miley Cyrus isn't even one of them!). Their stories are so over-told and under-developed that I cringe when I read them. Thus I'm creating a list of topics I'm thoroughly annoyed with right now.
1) Balloon Boy.
I'm not sure if Falcon Heene's story falls under entertainment or news anymore... but it continues to appear in both. This is a family that clearly wanted media attention... so what did America do? We gave it to them. I'm sick to my stomach just writing about this insufferable family that has taken up so much time and money in their attempts seek fame. Congrats you got it... now enjoy the view from your prison cell.
2) Jon & Kate Gosselin
I didn't care about Jon and Kate when they were together and their show was a ratings hit on TLC. I certainly don't care about them now that they are apart and publicly feuding like a bunch of 12 year old girls. I am not picking a side, as I think they are both equally to blame. Kate has turned into a media whore, while Jon has turned into, well, just a whore. The tragic thing about this saga is that the kids, the focal point of the show that made the family famous, are being left out of the conversation.
Imagine ten years from now when they are old enough to go back and look at this media debacle. What are they going to think of their family then?
3) Taylor Swift
Taylor I love you. I really do. I listen to your music incessantly on my iPod, I supported you whole-heartedly when that ass-hat Kanye West stole your thunder, and I have adored the way you have handled the spotlight in what is a very tough business.
So I don't blame you at all for the fact that your name is appearing in every AP wire story under the sun. In today's AP Country wire report you were the subject in three out of the six stories. Much like your friend Miley Cyrus, suddenly everything you say and do is newsworthy. I pray that you don't become trashy tabloid fodder and I continue to see positive headlines with your name attached. My worry is that soon the media will run out of the positive things to say, and they'll start digging to make up salacious rumors. As a result I'd rather not see your name in the headlines at all. I want you to continue rocking out to sold out venues, writing songs about boys who should have been nicer to you in high school, and letting out that curly mess of a blonde mane that has made you so famous.
4) The Kardashians
I admit I've watched both "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and "Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami"... and because of that I am still perplexed as to why this family is famous. Having large... uh hum... "assets" isn't something I think should be worth a reality show. While this family may be fashion forward... their acting skills suck.. which, believe it or not, are really important when you are on TV-reality or not. Kourt's pregnancy, Khloe's marriage... I can't help but wonder how much of those acts were publicity stunts to boost their own Hollywood status. These are girls who HAVE to be in the spotlight... but have nothing to offer.
5) Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt
I have never watched the Hills... partly because just looking at Heidi Montag makes me want to vomit. When she opens her mouth, things get much---much--- worse. Much like the aforementioned Kardashians, I can't comprehend why these individuals are famous. Heidi may have an album, but her vocal talents are no greater than my own (and that's saying something). Spencer may have a cute face, but his IQ couldn't even get him into Michigan State... and they take just about anyone who applies. Do everyone a favor and step back OUT of the spotlight.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Miley's Goodbye Twitter Rap
Also Miley, please stick to pop... unlike Taylor Swift rapping is NOT in your future!
P.S. Don't worry, I haven't quit my Twitter yet (evidence at right --->) but when I do I'll spare you all the lame video.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Miley Twitter Mania
I only wish that someday I will be of enough importance that when I delete my Twitter page it will cause a national entertainment news debacle. Ok, maybe not.
But that is what happened to Miley Cyrus. After a tweet mentioned how her "not boyfriend" (read: yes they're dating) Liam Hemsworth wanted her to delete her Twitter account, just like that the whipped little Disney princess did just that.
Personally I thought cyber-space was better off... but alas the entertainment and tween world stopped rotating at the thought that their number one source of celeb gossip couldn't communicate with them on a semi-personal level. Thus the crazy Twitter debacle ensued.
Leave it up to Miley's dad to use the very site she withdrew from to try and entice her to come back:
RT @billyraycyrus Words can hurt worse than bullets True.All the more reason to take this tool and tweet
RT @billyraycyrus I understand "it is true one bad apple spoils the bunch".But listen to the words of your songs "Stand... for what ya believe in"...Remember?
RT @billyraycyrus Miley. You are a light in a world of darkness. You were born"Destiny Hope Cyrus" for a reason.You can't leave everyone now.We r countin on u
So my question is this... is there a PR person in the background encouraging Billy Ray to get his daughter back in cyberspace? If I were Miley's PR person I'd be wanting her to get back on's free and easy shameless self-promotion. My guess is that it won't be long until @mileycyrus is back up and running again.
I'm Giddy for "Glee"
I'm not saying everyone will like it. It's quirky, and different, and certainly breaks the prime-time television mold. But to me, those are all the more reasons to watch.
What's even more amazing is the way that "Glee" has managed to take a page out of the Disney playbook and turn this into a multi-media franchise.
Much like the way Disney shamelessly cross-promotes "Hannah Montana" to include concert tours and album sales, "Glee" cross-promotes it's killer soundtrack and soon-to-be stars. iTunes doesn't lie. Every week the songs featured in the previous episode of "Glee" are among the site's top sellers. And for good reason... they are catchy, fun, and sometimes even better than the originals.
To share my point I've put below my top five "Glee" performances. Watch and I bet even you will take a peek at the show's iTunes page before too long :)
It's My Life/Confessions
Halo/Walking on Sunshine
Taking Chances
Take a Bow
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Conan does the Tim Tebow!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Why After 10 Seasons CSI is Still the Best Show on TV
Most shows start to die out in their old age. Much like 7th Heaven after Jessica Biel left, once the principal characters depart the series tends to hang on by little more than a thread.
Shows like Smallville only stick around because they are on networks that value EVERY audience member, especially the small cult-followings that keep them running well past their expiration date.
Thus CSI is obviously the exception and not the rule. In its 10th season on CBS, the show has lost multiple lead characters (Warrick, Sara, and Gil Grisson have all left their regular roles) and exhausted multiple plot twists (the miniature killer, for example)... yet it still remains fresh and enticing, and thus one of the best shows on television.
Even with spin-offs trying to snag some of its viewers (CSI: Miami, CSI: New York), and similar crime-driven dramas looking to steal its spotlight (NCIS, NCIS:LA, Cold Case, the Mentalist)-the series continues to plow ahead as if there were no competition at all.
For proof I give you 10 Reasons why after 10 seasons, CSI is still the best show on TV:
1) When it loses a main character, it fills the void in a BIG way. Case in point... by William Peterson, hello Lawrence Fishbourne.
2) Even the characters who leave the series can't stay away... Sara Sidle left, but makes a multi-episode guest stint to start season 10...and it's good to have Jorja Fox back in Sin City.
3) GEORGE EADS. Need I say more? Besides his one bad season sporting a mustache, this man has been perfect in every way, shape, and form. He's hot, talented, and a killer crime-solver. When he almost died a few seasons back I almost stopped watching the series all-together. Thankfully he's still alive and well, and thus my support of the series continues.
4) Best season premiere opening sequence ever. I don't want to go into too many details because this you need to see for yourself. Talk about staying fresh and forever reinventing the series... the opening sequence is proof that it's being done on this show. No other series I've seen this season opened with such an explosively powerful visual element.
5) The cliff-hanger. Normally season premieres tie up lose ends, not unravel more of them. But, in the case of CSI, the season premiere continued to keep audiences hooked by leaving you with a question that will burn through your brain until (hopefully) it is answered in the next episode. It isn't over the top. And it isn't obnoxious... because the episode did provide enough conclusions to make you feel you got your money's worth as well. This is just brilliant writing.
6) 10 seasons and the crimes still never get old. I don't know how they do it. I thought they'd run out of clever ways for people to die. But, once again, I am totally wrong. Which each death there is a plausible twist that keeps you on your toes.
7) Syndication hasn't killed the series, but rather prolonged its life. More people have gotten hooked from the countless episode reruns on Spike than have lost interest. Syndication has also meant you can go back and revisit classic episodes that you haven't seen in a while considering the show's 10 year run. It's like watching the series all over-again... and falling in love all over again at the same time.
8) It hasn't ever jumped the shark. Some series creators get bored with their material (7th Heaven) or too cocky in their own abilities (Heroes) and go off on weird plot tangents that cause the series to jump the shark. Never in its 10 seasons has CSI been guilty of either of those two things. At no time have fans been left in shock because of crazy off-beat story lines. The show has stayed true to its purpose and as a result is being rewarded with another season in a top-spot in CBS's lineup.
9) Special effects lead the way. Other shows wish they could do in one season what CSI does in one episode. For television they have an incredible special effects budget. The use of computer generated material isn't overwhelming, and the added bonus of real scientific strategies makes the audience feel as though you are learning something while watching.
10) It has some of the most unique characters in television. Hodges. Grissom. Case in point. Each character is given just enough exposition that you learn their quirks and often their backgrounds, but you are never smothered with characterization to the point that it deprives you from a murderous storyline. Often times the characterization comes as a result of the murder investigation and you don't realize you've even gotten it until all is said and done.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"The Last Song" Gets Pushed Back
In the meantime you need to check out the leaked music video for the single from the film, "When I Look at You." The song is on Miley's new EP sold exclusively through WalMart. It will be featured on the film's sountrack and is already occupying a spot on my current iTunes playlist.
You can check it out below (note: Miley's sporting a nose stud during this video... real, or fake?).
Also you have until Friday to download Miley's new video for "Party in the USA" from ABC's website (
Monday, September 21, 2009
Things I've Learned This Week
1). Miley Cyrus and I shares something odd in common: We both don't eat green foods. I get made fun of for this trait all the time, so it's nice to know I share it with someone, especially a multi-millionaire Hollywood phenom. Want proof? Check out Miley's interview on Jay Leno's new show:
2). The EMMYs may actually be back. Neil Patrick Harris and Co. did a great job making the show less about the awards, and more about the entertainment factor. It helped that they were able to crack jokes at their own irrelevance for most of the night. To be honest, I don't even care about the winners. Without a Kanye West/Taylor Swift moment there wasn't anything worth a huge headline.
3). I love season premieres...and the internet. Your old favorites make their comebacks, and you get a chance to fall in love with fresh meat all at the same time. The internet and DVRs everywhere allow you to now watch as many as you can without having to miss out on the shows airing in competing time slots. I've been taking advantage of this, BIG TIME. So far I can't get enough of the CW's new lineup, including: Vampire Diaries, Melrose Place, 90210, Gossip Girl, and One Tree Hill.
4). Shows can surivive even when cast members you thought you couldn't live without leave.
I thought I was done with One Tree Hill last season. With Chad Michael Murray and Hillary Burton out, and the perfect ending that was the season finale I thought I'd never see it again and be forever happy. Then I watched the season premiere. I forgot those characters were ever even important. Sophia Bush and company had no trouble carrying on the great OTH tradition and thus they'll have my viewership throughout the season.
5). Following celebrities on Twitter is not a bad thing. I have been thoroughly entertained many a time thanks to my Twitter addiction. Celebrities post the craziest shit on there, and I eat it up. Want to make yourself feel better? Just read the post of a celeb whose making a fool of themself by having an online Twitter feud with another celeb (i.e. Perez Hilton and Demi Moore). Want to live vicariously through a 16 year old phenom? Follow the likes of Miley Cyrus. Want to see a celeb use their popularity for good? Try catching up with Ashton Kutcher.
6). Kelly Clarkson is a bad-ass. Read below to learn why I suddenly love this diva even more now.
Dear Kanye,
What happened to you as a child?? Did you not get hugged enough?? Something must have happened to make you this way and I think we’re all just curious as to what would make a grown man go on national television and make a talented artist, let alone teenager, feel like shit. I mean, I’ve seen you do some pretty shitty things, but you just keep amazing me with your tactless, asshole ways. It’s absolutely fascinating how much I don’t like you. I like everyone. I even like my asshole ex that cheated on me over you…which is pretty odd since I don’t even personally know you. The best part of this evening is that you weren’t even up for THIS award and yet you still have a problem with the outcome. Is winning a moon man that much of a life goal?? You can have mine if it will shut you up. Is it that important, really??
I was actually nominated in the same category that Taylor won and I was excited for her…so why can’t you be?? I’m not even mad at you for being an asshole…I just pity you because you’re a sad human being.
On a side note, Beyonce has always been a class act and proved again tonight that she still is. Go TEXAS!!
Taylor Swift, you outsell him ….that’s why he’s bitter. You know I love your work! Keep it up girl!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fall TV First Week Recap
First of all, I apologize for my extended absence. The whole "real" job thing keeps getting in the way of "fun blogging time". But I'm making a conscious effort to come back, especially now that the new season of "The Entertainment Buzz" on WOLV TV is just a few weeks away.
Here is why, despite marking the end to my favorite season-Summer- I actually love the fall: Football, Michigan football, leaves changing, and THE START OF THE NEW TV SEASON!!!
Considering this isn't a sports blog, I'm going to tackle the start of the TV season as my topic today.
Most of the networks haven't released their big guns yet. The exception is FOX's Glee. I was a supporter of this show when the network released the pilot last spring. I'm STILL a supporter of the show after episode two hit the airwaves this past week. The series is fun, inspiring, full of Jane Lynch, and it features an incredible soundtrack. For me, this is a recipe for instant success. The show is slightly quirky, and has the potential to alienate audiences who don't go into it with an open I beg of you, go into it with an open mind. For any person who has ever been, or is in a choir or showchoir (I was in both: see below) this show is for you. Seriously, it's written for you. In honor of the season premiere I'm sharing with you a piece of my showchoir past. Have a good laugh, or vomit slightly in your mouth, then be sure to turn to FOX for next week's episode of Glee (it's much better :).
The only other network that really went all out with season premieres this week was the CW. I tuned in for 3 of their opening acts, and I was only disappointed by one (which for that network is a great start). I'll start with the yea and work to the nea.
Yea: Melrose Place. I cringed when I first heard the network picked up this remake rather than the Gossip Girl spin-off. Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to judge. When (SPOILER ALERT) someone dies before the opening credits role, you know things are going to be juicy. There's sex, money, drugs, drama... everything the old MP had with a new age kick in the butt. I haven't warmed up to Ashlee Simpson-Wentz onscreen (which I blame on the fact that I watched 7th Heaven when she was on it, and she RUINED that show for me). I love that the writers mixed the old with the new right off the bat and weren't afraid to make some bold character statements in the first 40 minutes of the series. I'm giving this show at least another two weeks of my time.
Yea: Vampire Diaries. This is another series that I cringed when I heard about. I'm not an overboard Twilight fan (in other words, I've read the books, and seen the movie but don't drool over Robert Pattinson or think Kristen Stewart is the next big thing. I also don't have a single poster anywhere in my room). I thought this series would be a blatant rip-off and would simply just be taking advantage of the current fanged fad. Let me start then by saying that this series could have easily stood alone without the hype surrounding Twilight.
The cast is hot. The chemistry is hotter. And the storyline is already intriguing. There are many similarities to the Twilight franchise, but there are more differences. Fans of the series, and haters of the series can find something to love about the Vampire Diaries.
Nea: 90210. I loved this show last year. Now, I like it, but I'm struggling to love its season open. When the show began there were obvious protagonist and antagonist. You knew who to feel sympathy for, and who was the evil biatch. Now those lines have become increasingly crossed and I'm left wondering who to root for, if anyone. Annie has turned serious rebel without a cause, and she doesn't wear it well. Shenae Grimes was cast as the good girl... and while she's nailed playing the biatch already, it'll be hard for her to ever go back if that's what the writers intend.
Meanwhile Naomi has come full circle. You hated her, you felt sorry for her, now you're back to hating her again. If not for Silver and Adrianna there would be no one to like in the series right now. The introduction of a hot new male lead helped the season premiere, but it couldn't hold it entirely afloat. Cliff-hangers from last season's finale still weren't answered, and instead even more questions arose. Come on writers, through your fans a bone and give us something to grasp onto! I'll keep watching for now, but the show is dangerously close to losing my weekly support.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Will Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie be Magical?
While I highly doubt I'll end up watching Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie... I don't think I'd discourage Disney fans from giving it a go. I have read multiple reviews and a USA Today preview and it sounds as though the movie will strike gold with its intended viewing audience. Thanks to Twitter, I was passed along the link to this clip featuring series star Selena Gomez. I'll be honest, out of all the Disney tween queens it appears she has the brightest acting future. I have a feeling if this film is at all a success, it'll be because of her incredible charm.
The movie is an extension of the popular TV series... which if you aren't aware already follows a family of wizards (yeah so the title pretty much says it all). The show is cute, quirky, and wholesome (Disney is a nutshell). While aimed at the younger crowd, I've seen it deliver a laugh or two to some twenty-somethings as well (you'd be surprised how many college kids watch the Disney Channel).
Like most Disney Channel originals, WOWP won't deliver amazing special effects, stellar acting, or a superb plot-driven feature. There is a reason the film didn't make it to the big screen... but remember neither did the first two High School Musicals. Don't knock a film just because it debuts on TV, but don't expect it to win any awards either.
So if you are bored this weekend WOWP may just be the two hour block of entertainment you were looking for... just don't blame me if it sucks... I warned you.
Monday, August 24, 2009
#MusicMonday: Miley Cyrus' new EP
The Miley Cyrus machine is out to steal the Disney spotlight AGAIN. Let's look at what she's accomplished already over the past few months:
a) Demi and Selena have a Disney channel original movie (Princess Protection Program) too bad Miley upstaged that with the big screen release of Hannah Montana: The Movie. She also makes headlines while finishing up shooting The Last Song...written just for her by famed author Nicklas Sparks.
b) Demi releases her sophomore album and goes on tour. Miley releases not only the HM Movie soundtrack (with tracks from Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift onboard too), but the Hannah Montana Season 3 soundtrack. Oh, and she performs at every award show under the sun, and is about to hit the stage at the Today Show Summer Concert Series before starting up a fall tour.
c) Selena Gomez releases the Wizards of Waverly Place Movie, and it's soundtrack... all timed perfectly with the September release of her debut solo album "Kiss and Tell". Miley decides to release a 7-track E.P. which, is the subject of this review.
"The Time of Our Lives" is NOT going to be the time of your life. It's 7 tracks were thrown together to coincide with Miley's new clothing line (did I forget to mention that in a-c above? Oh well, tack that onto the list). Miley and Max Azria's line for WalMart goes great with an E.P. being pimped by the major US retailer.
Out of the 7 songs you'll only hear 5 brand new tracks (I'm not counting "Party in the USA" because it's already been sold as a single.)
The E.P. features the following:
1. "Kicking And Screaming"
2. "Party In The USA"
3. "When I Look At You"
4. "Time Of Our Lives"
5. "Talk Is Cheap"
6. "Obsessed"
7. "Before The Storm (Live)"
Below is a sampling of all seven tracks. I'm not impressed. The only good thing I can say is that at least she didn't pull a Hilary Duff and release a "greatest hits" album to fill space (Hilary's "Most Wanted" was a waste of money and shelf space). Instead she's just going to leave fans spending too much on too little, and craving more.
Does Miley think her fans are going somewhere? Is that why she feels the need to put out as many albums as possible? Don't get me wrong, I love most of her stuff (MOST, her latter albums have come a long ways...I've ingnored anything with "Hannah Montana" attached to it), but I'd rather wait for a quality product that be subdued with this crap.
I just hope that when the full album finally drops these songs don't reappear on it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
BTS with Hilary Duff on the Gossip Girl Set
* Hilary's character isn't too much of a stretch. She playes an uber famous actress who just wants to escape. I'm just Hilary has never felt as though SHE just wanted to fit in...
* It sounds like the character has potential... if the writers give her enough material to work with, and Hilary doesn't screw it up. I'm nervous about the cliche factor. This role has been played before. To be GG worthy it needs to be fresh and the storyline MUST contain a surprise now and then to keep fans interested.
* Duff's going to fit right in on the CW. It seems like the natural progression. Move from the tween market to the teen market BEFORE you make the jump to adult oriented works. Maybe this will be the launching pad she'll need for her NBC sitcom career to take off. As an actor you can't forget who your fan base is. The same people that grew up watching Lizze McGuire are now watching Gossip Girl.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Send It On
I don't care if you loathe the Disney Channel and all of its stars... you HAVE to watch this music video. Only an organization as powerful as the Mouse could pull all this talent together and create such a powerful piece of art.
The best part about the new Disney Channel star's single "Send it On": it was created as part of Disney's efforts to enhance environmental awareness and going green.
So kudos to all involved because the final project has literally given me goosebumps.
Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato, make magic together. I'll join Perez Hilton in saying that as much as I hate to admit it... their combined talents are breathtaking.
So what ever you do today... SEND IT ON!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Another Miley "Controversy" and other stuff I want to Vent About
I write entertainment stories for the news every morning... which may be why I'm not as inclined to contribute to this blog with the same frequency as before. I hate seeing the same ridiculous headlines over and over again.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE entertainment related news and content. I love movies, music, and television. I love living vicariously through super star's incredible lives. But I don't love making mountains out of mole hills.
I know when something has run its course MICHAEL JACKSON I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU. Does anyone even care anymore? At least three M.J. related stories have been making the AP Entertainment wires everyday since his death. ENOUGH ALREADY.
And Miley Cyrus... oh Miley Cyrus. The critics ALWAYS find something to complain about. She doesn't do drugs, she isn't off getting impregnated, and she hasn't been caught heading into a club going commando. That being said, why must we tear this 16 year old apart? She danced with a pole ON TOP OF AN ICE CREAM CART, at the Teen Choice Awards. Wow. You mean to tell me she used a prop on stage that also doubles as an employment device for strippers? Poles can't possibly be used for something other than stripping... give me a break!
Accentuate the positives. Show off the celebrities that are doing GOOD things. You know, the ones visiting sick kids, raising money for charities, helping to save the environment, etc. People care about THOSE actions too. And Miley, for all the negative press she's gotten, participates in many of those positive endeavors.
I had planned on writing about Miley's pole dance in the #Whatwereyouthinking Wednesday column. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized then I'd have to write about myself in that same category.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Second Look: Show You Should Be Watching This Summe
Summer hit: Royal Pains
USA has struck gold with this series. While the network is best known for Monk, Psych, and Burn Notice... I feel that the series most worth tuning in for started just over a month ago. The series follows a former surgeon who was fired after letting a billionaire hospital trustee die in favor of saving a kid's life. As a result, he and his brother move to the Hamptons where they start a concierge doctor service.
The series is like McGyver meets Desperate Housewives with a bit of House attached. You've got lots of character drama, but mostly great medical mysteries... and of course, a hot cast.
While this show draws from a number of previously successful series, it is entirely original. Mark Feurstein, or Dr. Hank Lawson, lights up the screen and steals every scene he's in.
Come From Behind Kid: Make it or Break It
I'll be the first to admit I royally bashed this show when it came out. The pilot episode was pathetic... then again so was the pilot episode of The Office, and we all know how that turned out. I thought this series would be a direct rip off of Stick It. The characters, the plot, it all seemed too eerily similar. BUT...and this is a big BUT...after four or five episodes (I know I'm shocked I gave it that long too) it really found its footing... and it's been on my 'must watch' list ever since.
There is now finally solid character development that has made the cookie-cutter elite gymnasts into people I actually care about. The cast is made up of entirely fresh faces (minus Candace Cameron Bure who is making a major post-Full House comeback), but they are showing they can hold their own. I'm impressed with the delicate mix of gymnastics and drama. You get enough of both that the scenario is believable. While the show may be stuck on ABC Family... I think it's one of the brightest stars in their lineup.
Hate to Admit I Like It: 10 Things I Hate About You
I wish they'd call this show something else. I like it, I really do. But the fact that it pretends to reflect one of my all time favorite movies is a royal slap in the face to what Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger were once able to accomplish on the big screen.
The characters names may be the same, but their purpose and attitudes are entirely different.
Kat is still your feminist misfit, but instead of Patrick going after her, she is going after HIM. Bianca is still the cheery blonde who's obsessed with her looks, but instead of already being popular, her character's mission is to BECOME popular. Chastity serves as the bitch in the TV version too, but Gabrielle Union the new version is not. And Mandella has gone from a Shakespearean crazed sidekick to a gothic girlfriend for Kat. The only solid cross-over has been Larry Miller who shines again as the girls dad and resident OBGYN. The fact that there's no "Ms. Perky" or awesome rapping English teacher makes me cry inside.
So as a stand alone series I am a fan. But as a spin-off of the film I am not impressed.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Trailer Tuesday: Jennifer's Body
Let me start by saying that I am normally not a fan of scary movies. When I was in my early teens I went through the prerequisite scary movie slumber party stage (you HAD to see I Know What you Did Last Summer, Final Destination, Scream, and Urban Legends). Now I have a harder time renting scary flicks, let alone dragging myself to theaters to see them. To me they are generally too predictable, or over-the-top gory. The last scary film I saw was Prom Night, and that was only because a friend had rented it.
All that being said... I may just actually fork over the money needed to catch Jennifer's Body in theaters. I have been hearing the buzz surrounding this film for months. The fact that it stars two very hot young female leads has made Hollywood pay more attention than usual. Megan Fox is coming off the Transformers sequel, and thus her stock in only on the rise. Guys could care less whether or not she can act... they'll enjoy just looking at her for 90 minutes. And, from the looks of this trailer it appears that they get all sorts of extra sexual tension from the title character.
Amanda Seyfried, on the other hand, is still riding the coat tails of last summer's smash Mamma Mia... as well as her role in the Emmy nominated Big Love. I happen to be a fan of both and see a world full of potential for the young starlet. If she can hold her own on screen next to Megan Fox then she'll have more than one door open for her in Tinseltown.
So mark your calendars, because if the trailer is any indication Jennifer's Body will be a "killer" success.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Miley Cyrus song leaked: Party in the USA
Either way you can check it out here:
zSHARE - miley cyrus - party in the usa.mp3
Shared via AddThis
Monday, July 27, 2009
#MusicMonday: "Here We Go Again"
I NEVER would have thought I'd admit to downloading ANYTHING of Demi Lovato's... and yet, here I sit about to write an entire post about her sophomore album.
It started when I first heard "Here We Go Again" on the radio. The song, and title of the new album, made me do an immediate double take. That couldn't be Kelly Clarkson, could it? I have Kelly Clarkson's albums, I'd know if it were on there. So who could be responsible for the catchy pop/rock ballad blaring through my speakers?
I happen to be a proud owner of SHAZZAM, so I stuck my cell out an awaited the display...
Demi Lovato: "Here We Go Again". At first I thought it was broken. There's no way that the Disney starlet could be responsible for this sure-fire hit.
I knew Lovato could sing... you had to be living under a rock to ignore all the promotion that came during and following her Camp Rock debut. When you sing with the Jonas Brothers you tend to get noticed. I just didn't realize that Lovato would be able to so quickly shed her 16 year old skin for a more mature sound.
Now "Here We Go Again" isn't necessarily "mature". But it reminds me more of Kelly Clarkson than... Hilary Duff. It doesn't stray from it's core audience, but at the same time it reaches out to pull in a new, untapped audience.
I figured if "Here We Go Again" was the top seller on iTunes within its first five minutes of coming out, it was worth me checking out.
And here I give my kudos to Lovato. She nailed it. Instead of following in fellow Disney teen queen Miley Cyrus' footsteps, Lovato choose music meant to make her stand out from the crowd.
There's not a hint of country here (Cyrus' songs, on the other hand, reek of it---in a good way). Instead each song pulls from a seemingly different artistic place. For example, "Got Dynamite" sounds more like something you'd hear from Pink (minus all the yelling). "U Got Nothing" is more Mandy Moore and The Weepies, only pop infused. "Remember December" is Lady Gaga minus the techno beat. It's still catchy and a potential dance hit (I'm already anticipated a remix, as is it's just a good car jam).
There are certainly tracks on the album I could do without...the Sonny With a Chance theme song being one of them. "Gift of a Friend" feels like it should be the theme to a Disney princess movie (and maybe it is...). It feels rather out of place and sing-songy for the album.
Unlike her Disney counterparts (with the exception of Cyrus who comes by it naturally--and already with three albums out THIS YEAR, has proven she's a hit maker), this album proves that Demi Lovato can actually sing. In fact, having seen her act I'm fairly certain that her musical skills trump anything she can do on screen.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tolle Lege Thursday: Summer Musts and Movie Busts
You're thinking I've gone off the deep end right? Now this idiot is making up names just to keep the alliteration. Well... you're WRONG! Tolle lege is Latin for "take up and read". I talk a lot of TV, movies, and music on this site... but my real passion involves a good book. So I decided that once a week I should celebrate the written word... it is what got me started doing this stuff in the first place.
Today's is a two part topic: Summer Must Reads, and Movies Based On Books That are Much Better.
I start with the former.
1)Anything by Janet Evanovich (particularly her "Stephanie Plum" series.)
The best thing about these books is that you get an ab workout...while you're reading. Evanovich is a master at crafting her characters. With fifteen books in the Plum series you'll have plenty to get you through your days at the beach.
2) Anything by Patricia Cornwell
Again Cornwell writes a series of books (Dr. Kay Scarpetta)... and I have yet to find one I didn't like. Granted, I much prefer the books at the beginning of the series (they're less political and take a few more risks)... this is still a series that doesn't dwindle with age.
My favorite is "Black Notice" because in the first page Cornwell writes a letter that's addressed from Epworth Heights in Luddington (yes she spelled it wrong, in reality it only has one 'd'). Considering that is my hometown that book will always be near and dear to my heart.
3) G.M. Ford
The name sounds like a bad play on the auto industry... but GM Ford will undoubtedly rev up your engines in his Leo Waterman and Frank Corso series. This well tattooed artist has a magnificent imagination and balances enough action, adventure, and mystery to keep you on the edge of your seat. With book names like "Who in the Hell is Wanda Fuca?" you know that you'll also be getting a good laugh during these reads.
4) Finally I leave the mystery genre to pass on some historical fiction: Philippa Gregory
I'll touch on "The Other Boleyn Girl" later on... so instead I'll suggest you spend time with Gregory's other period pieces, including: "The Other Queen" and "The Boleyn Inheritance". These are well researched, and incredibly presented novels that weave together fact and fiction in a way that makes you wish you could be thrown back in time. If you like history, even a little, you'll love these books.
1) The Other Boleyn Girl
I love the movie. Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana, and Natalie Portman shine. But the movie doesn't hold a candle to Gregory's book. The movie cuts out a large chunk of the timeline... and isn't able to fully flesh out the characters in a way that does them total justice.
2) The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons
Again, I loved both of these films... but Dan Brown's books have so much more to offer. They're seeping with details and woven with multiple story lines that the movies had to ignore in order to make. They are the type of books that make you think... and even if they are historical fiction does it hurt to question the status quo once in a while?
3) The Kite Runner
I'm upset that they even tried to make a movie out of this book. Every page is wrought with emotion. The story is raw, the characters incredibly well crafted. The movie got the message right... but it didn't capture nearly the emotion that the novel did. It failed to touch audiences in nearly the same way. And it melted down the culture that had made the book so unique because it didn't want to offend an American audience.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What Were They Thinking Wednesday: Lindsay Lohan
Sticking with my alliteration themed days I've decided to give "What Were They Thinking Wednesday" a go.
I hate to start with the obvious, but a recent ABC Family original film has inspired me to bring this one up once again: Lindsay Lohan.
Dear Lindsay,
You had EVERYTHING going for you. You had the backing of the Disney franchise thanks to your adorable role in The Parent Trap and then your remake of the classic Freaky Friday. Even your part in Herbie Fully Loaded was given the golden treatment by the network. Despite the fact that you really can't sing... a studio actually gave you the tools necessary to sell thousands of albums and attempt to de-throne then reigning teen queen Hilary Duff. Forget the love triangle with you, Duff, and Aaron Carter... you had moved on to bigger and better things and could have gotten just about any guy in Hollywood. That is, before you took a giant plunge off the deep end.
Instead of riding the success of Mean Girls and using the star vehicle as an opportunity for real success... you managed to f-up a number of truly incredible opportunities. You had the chance to work with Jane Fonda and Felicity Huffman in Georgia Rule. Garry Marshal directs hits... yet he called you out for basically destroying what could have been a great film.
You blew it again in Bobby. The ensemble cast in Emilio Estevez's film was as superb as any every collected. You had the chance to get in on the project and once again showed why you were headed up sh*t creek without a paddle. When you get to work with the best you should try and LEARN from the best. Pay attention to their work habits, how they behave both on, and off screen, and how they manage their careers. You were so busy getting drunk and snorting coke you forgot that Hollywood waits around for no one.
As a result Linds, you are now making straight to TV movies. Your crazy girlfriend has dumped you, no guy in Hollywood would touch you with a ten foot pole, and every movie director cringes at the thought of having you on board (can you say liability much?).
While Hilary Duff may not have a blockbuster under her belt... she won the teen queen battle against you just by keeping her shit together. Sad, but true.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Trailer Tuesday: The Time Traveler's Wife
Today's trailer is from The Time Traveler's Wife.
The movie is based on the best-selling book and stars Rachel McAdams (The Notebook, Mean Girls) and Eric Bana. In the two minutes you get to see those stars on screen you know that the film is going to be magical. The chemistry is undeniable... and the storyline is magical.
The trailer did a great job of not giving too much of the story away. In two minutes you already love the characters enough to want to know what happens to them.
Eric Bana is incredibly sexy, and Rachel McAdams is beautiful...which makes even the brief glimpses you get of their love scenes here look super-steamy.
Rachel McAdams is an incredibly gifted actress. We already know she can carry an emotional drama... she did it with Ryan Gossling in The Notebook. We also know she can carry a comedy (The Family Stone, Mean Girls) and thus I expect when the script calls for it, she'll deliever on those one timers that are meant to break the emotional ice.
Finally the music at the end of this trailer is superb. It reminds me of the effect Snow Patrol's "Run" had when used in The Guardian trailer...emotional and uplifting.
All in all I give The Time Traveler's Wife four out of five stars.