I write entertainment stories for the news every morning... which may be why I'm not as inclined to contribute to this blog with the same frequency as before. I hate seeing the same ridiculous headlines over and over again.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE entertainment related news and content. I love movies, music, and television. I love living vicariously through super star's incredible lives. But I don't love making mountains out of mole hills.
I know when something has run its course MICHAEL JACKSON I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU. Does anyone even care anymore? At least three M.J. related stories have been making the AP Entertainment wires everyday since his death. ENOUGH ALREADY.
And Miley Cyrus... oh Miley Cyrus. The critics ALWAYS find something to complain about. She doesn't do drugs, she isn't off getting impregnated, and she hasn't been caught heading into a club going commando. That being said, why must we tear this 16 year old apart? She danced with a pole ON TOP OF AN ICE CREAM CART, at the Teen Choice Awards. Wow. You mean to tell me she used a prop on stage that also doubles as an employment device for strippers? Poles can't possibly be used for something other than stripping... give me a break!
Accentuate the positives. Show off the celebrities that are doing GOOD things. You know, the ones visiting sick kids, raising money for charities, helping to save the environment, etc. People care about THOSE actions too. And Miley, for all the negative press she's gotten, participates in many of those positive endeavors.
I had planned on writing about Miley's pole dance in the #Whatwereyouthinking Wednesday column. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized then I'd have to write about myself in that same category.
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