Michigan native (Grand Rapids) Taylor Lautner, 17, has been on a number of woman's radars after his casting in the mega-hit vampire franchise Twilight. Fans of the series who have been drooling over the buff werewolf apparently aren't the only ones...
Lautner has recently been linked to Disney channel starlet (and rumored heir to the Miley throne) 16 year old Selena Gomez. The Wizards of Waverly Place star has been in Canada shooting Beezus while Launtner has been there shooting New Moon. People.com has reported the two have been spending lots of time together and have been spotted cuddling at the movies and eating together.
I've scoured Gomez's Twitter account (which she updates with a surprising frequency) and can't find any link to Lautner...but he may not have hopped on board the Twitter train himself so I won't rush to judgement on that point just yet.
I know sara I can't see him like that either. I mean he's sooooooo good lookin.
Im happy he is single AGAIN!!!! Im like having a blast now. He has a veryyyyy SEXY CHEST. I am so happy he had to dump Gomz or w.e she is such a freak! Taylor is like soooooo HOTT!!!! I am drouling over him, how about you.
My god I so wish I was selena gomez right now
k you guys grow up plz selena is gorgeous and Taylor's a god . Don't be jealous about Selena and get real he doesn't even know you exist ! sorry to be harsh but someone had to let u guys know :/ .
taylor lover said....
omg u bichez taylor is mine u guys need to back off he is a sexy beast and good in bed trust me i know ....seriously
taylor lover
hes in love thats why he did it .. like still people he has his OWN life he makes it what he wants it to be and he wants her so,.. sorry for being mean but its so true..
i took a love qize and i got 100
NOOOO!!! TAYLOR HOW COULD U DO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D':
seriously taylor doesn't even know any of you exist....so why don't you stop daydreaming about the day you guys will be together bcuz it's never gonna happen..i hope him and selena are happy together!!
seriously taylor doesn't even know any of you exist....so why don't you stop daydreaming about the day you guys will be together bcuz it's never gonna happen..i hope him and selena are happy together!!
you guys might think that you will end up with him but i am actually friends with him and i will end up with him some day!!!! sorry :(
"shannon" do you seriously think he will pick you over selena gomez? no seriously, answer the fucking question. DO YOU THINK HE WILL PICK YOU??? sorry to smush your dreams but is he worth dreaming about when there is no way in hell he will date you?
Taylor does have a life!
ummmm okay i say good for him.
I totally want that ipod that he's holdin
I luv taylor!!
omg yeah. i have one thats like the same colour and everything. :P but...i..dont..have..his signature :( dam
wow... i'm really sorry to be the one to break it to you but why don't you guys chill out. yeah he looks amazing, but really he'll probably never know you even exist. so just relax and stop freaking out at each other, you don't even know who you're cussing at.
p.s. notice how i can get through a whole post w/o swearing, you girls should try it sometime.
Taylor Lautner is very gorgeous, and amazing in many ways.
I wish he went to my high school.
Ooh well. Eye candy.
he might not be my true love or whatever but he is probably a good person. and selena probably is too. he is pretty amazingly hott. but im for sure not going to say hes myne back off. stay away. because i dont think he would want so many girls to be obsessive like that.
sorry girls/boys but he is takin and im goin to sit here and cuss bc thats a wast of my time and not me so heres the deal he is really cute and probaly a really good person and if u really liked him u would respect his choice what ever it may be!!
that was supost to be im not goin to sit her and cuss and there was supost to be a e at the end of waste
come on girls. just tone it down just a tad. you people are getting a little out of hand. Taylor wants to have a relationship. fine he can cos its his own life. but you girls and most likly guys too, should let him get on with his life. no one cares what you think or say so why say it at all. think befor you speek. and you do not own him. he is not your own personal property. he does not belong to you in any way so just shut up about all this shit about him being yours and stuff.
and let him be!!
i agree with you twilight_fan_addict!!!
okay he is kinna cute but theres like a cobillion people in the world and over half are girlz so just get over it he doesnt care about you
I just dont get you girls...chill..how cant you see that he doesnt know you exist..you might never event see him in person and you're saying how he's yours and that they should back off..if he wants to kiss selena or anybody else, he can do that cuz he has a right for that..and you cant do anything about it..
Thnx Go God.
I dont care what any of you losers say Taylor is ALL MINE and he will realize that we were meant to be one day. Even though he thinks that he "imprinted" on Renesmee<33
ok really do u hear you self if u and taylor had even any chance to even go out witch u didnt but umm u r talking about fake people made up by a writer ok jacob IS NOT REALLL so u and JACOB can NEVER go out NEVER and he cant imprint on you becuse hes NOT REAL!!! 99.9% went out to u Jessii Lautner and another thing if he all yours then y the heck is he and selan allll over EACH other is takes two becuse if he wanted her off he could have took her off his self!!! sorry so mean but this is the real world not some book or one of your little fanises!!!
your welcome twilight_fan_addict but u speak the TRUTH!!
you are so right. Jacob black does not exsist. no if's or but's about it.!!!
screw you! the anonymous who wrote @ july 5 2009 6:32am Tay-tay's mine....... and I can live in a fantasy world if I want too!
ur right u can but that makes u the dumb one. the one that sits at home wastein there life waitin for someone dosent even know ur alive. so u need to put on ur big girl/boy pants and move on and i really hope he dont look at these for ur sake
he probably does!!!
oh. :( dam
hold up u really need to chill out on taylor!!!!!
exactly. yes. he is a god. but... he is salena's god. so chill out...
wow.....some of you are pretty crazy!!!! this guy can make his own choices in life! and if you havent noticed, just because a whole hell of a lot a peaps know his name, he is still a REGULAR HUMAN TEEN boy. and since all of you want to go out with him, with no other evidence of what he is like other than interviews on the net, mabey IF you ever meet him you might want to become FRIENDS FIRST!!! and since the teen years are hard enuf, you should back up about three thousand feet to give this guy a break and let him focus on his career.
NOOOO!!! TAYLOR HOW COULD U DO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D':
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