I've just about had it. Why are people trying to take down 15 year old Miley Cyrus? She hasn't been caught drinking, doing drugs, getting knocked up (yeah I'm talking about YOU Jamie Lynn Spears)...but instead her using a body double in order to enhance the hottest selling show in the nation right now is apparently enough to warrant social suicide. Let's get real folks...people are looking for any excuse to take this bubbly teen queen down. And, I hope, like Hilary Duff once did (and still often has to do_ amidst her Lizzie McGuire days at Disney , Miley comes out unscathed and ahead. I hope she continues to be a positive role model. The fact that Miley's body double is getting as much or more negative press as Jamie Lynn's pregnancy is insane. I know the writer's strike means it's been a little slow in Hollywood...but seriously must people pick on one of the only positive spots in the business right now?
Am I wrong? Am I missing a cruel scam that is leaving millions of teenage girls feeling depressed and scammed? Am I blinded to a greater injustice?
I think not.
i think this person is RIGHT!!!
they should stop picking on miley just leave her alone!!!
I wish I had a body double, better yet a clone. Then I could have him do my reading, laundry, and exams. This way, I can go and pursue greater endeavors like rock climbing or model bridge building.
-the half italian stallion
thank you 4 standin up for her too!
those ppl are rude and have no class leave ppl alone!
exactly, she is a great role model. These people shouldn't ruin that for all the kids out there
you tell 'em girl.....or boy. whoever you are...but im pretty sure you are a girl. =]
sorry if im wrong. -piece out-
Even though Miley has not been doing things like drugs or getting knocked up. I don't think she is who America should be at the knees of. I always see little 6 year old girls with Miley Cyrus shirts on and talking about her. Should we be obsessing over a 15 year old girl. I am pretty sure she is not stupid, she know that she as millions of people loving her. Her recent "potential lesbian" photos are not a good way to show that she is a good role model. Everyone who want to protect her are saying that all teenage girls do it, but not ALL teenage girls set an example to millions of girls. Because she is famous now, her every move is influencing her fans. Even doing something like wearing a low-cut shirt, or even a bikini will influence the younger ones to do the same. Think about it now, do you want someone like that influencing the generation? Miley claimes that she is babtist Christian, but why is'nt she acting like one? I just pray that she will open her eyes and see that she has the responsibility to share her belif in Jesus Christ and that anything she says, people will listen. Im not trying to be rude or judgemental, I do not know her at all , but this is what I've seen. Remember, she has only been famous for two years. Hilary Duff was the same, Disney Star turned independent Celebrity, Hilary had recently done things like support plastic surgury and done a maxim cover. I myself used to be a obsessed Hilary Duff. But because I am a bit older, I am no longer her fan, but what about the ones that was younger and are still fans of Hilary? They see things like the Maximum cover and say "THAT"S COOL! HILARY DID IT SO IT MUST BE COOL! (rips off shirt)" jk, but think about it, is she the GREATEST ROLE MODEL?
God Bless.
Ephesians 6:10
Finally, Be Strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
people should leave it alone because it just isn't worth it. it needs to be just ignored and no whoever made the last post she is a good role model. ntil she does anything wrong she is still a good role model. there is no garuntee that she will turn out to be one of your average celebrity whores. and i also don't see what her religion has to do with any of this either. whether she's christian (yay!) or satanist (NNOOO!!!) it doesnt make her any better or worse of a role model and doesnt reflect how she should act either. considering religion is all a matter of opinion in the first place. but back to the main point, so the damned body double thing matters not. i just wonder how she feels about seeing all this crap about the littlest things
o mii gosh i luv u hannah montana
i luv hannah montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i luv hannah montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hey what up miley this is regan
i love your music i have a stido 2
regan soon 2 be rock star
yes she did use a double but not anymore. aly and aj have more songs to perform so there is no need
okay maybe the media and stuff should chill out on miley and everything, but...come on, a body double? She has to know what she's getting into when she decides she wants to be a singer. it's a lot of hard work and determination, but that's what will make her even greater. Her relaxing back-stage while someone else is doing the work is so "celeb". She's supposed to be a role model for younger children to 'work hard and earn the fame'. Because of her lazy decisions, this will cause people to look down on her.
Also, i don't really think that religion has anything to do with this. I'm not going against her religion i'm just saying that notifying that she is a baptist christian isn't going to make her a better person; only she can do that.
p.s. you know were just making it worse because were turning one problem into a controversy.. just saying.
-xoxo g
she wasn't relaxing, she was switching from Hannah to Miley and she wasn't sitting back. I may be wrong but I assume that she was really only trying to make her fans happy by not making them wait for her to change into miley. I still luv her and I respect her. Idc about the "racy" photos she is still human and ppl do stuff like that all the time if you saw this crap on myspace and she wasn't famous you wouldn't care so... I don't think she is trying to hurt anybody she is just being herself and I lluv her for it so don't put her down it isn't like that.
yeah,this perso is soooo right! Miley/Hannnah uses a body double! Have you seen what some of the other celebs do?
Well i think Miley is a good role model. The press should just stop trying to ruin her. All teenagers take pictures of themelves. Everypne who has a problem just get over it
they really need to stop and get over themselves. they r probablly just trying to say bad things about miley because somethin ha shappened to them b4. they need 2 stop puttin their problems on her!
how cares about miley cyrus she is the next vanessa ann hudgens. i mean if you look on teenscene.com you can see that she was taking nude pics just like vanessa. An her nipples arent that great. i am still scared for life on that one. So who ever roote this wack webpaage. y dont you go have ur baby with jamie lynn spears. yeah shes a whore but then again no one cares about her either got it. cant wait to see the baby alien that you and her have c ya freak.
just leave her alone shes just a person
this is ridiculous. the media is just like a bigger high school, "fans" or people who are sympathetic shouldn't have to make her mistakes okay. if she wants to act like an adult, then let her be.
well i wonder if miley reads these...if she does. HI MILEY! hehe. well anywho i think all these rumors are stupider then stupid can get! for goodness sakes everyone just picks on famous people to make money and what not. she is a VERY good rolemodel, and has done nothing wrong!
i love her and i think she is a really down to earth person...!!!!
aight im outy. PEACE!
i wonder if miley reads these..if she does HI MILEY WHATS UP! hehe. anywho i think the people who are talking crap..should not! i mean come on she has done nothing wrong, and is a perfect rolemodel! no drugs no drinking. not even bad pictures of her!
i love miley and her tv show! its so cool to actually see a girl my age as famous as she is and still very down to earth!
I like what John3:16 said but it also isn't right to watch her every move. I personally do NOT idol celebrities. Miley will probably turn out just like the rest of them. I strongly agree that if she is a Christian that she should show it and act. All of these pictures on YouTube and other sites are personal pictures but HOW did they get on the internet? She's taking it all in. She needs to chill out and remember what she is famous for- HANNAH MONTANA the Sweet Pop Sensation. Don't go dirty Miley the world watches you every move. God Bless you John3:16! God Bless Miley and hope she reconizes things, GOD BLESS EVERYONE-except bad people. ~Not a Miley fan, but a Jesus Fan~
Miley better watch out because the world watches her every move. There are little girls who really look up to her and if she does stuff she shouldn't (which she does,)they are going to do the same. Going to church and saying that you are a Christian doesn't make you a Christian. Maybe she doesn't understand what life is because her life at the moment is so perfect. Even though she says she has a total normal life, doesn't mean that isn't a lie. A lot of people "fricken" care about what is going on. If she is a fake that would crush the hearts of little girls (and boys.) Why do people even look up to her so much, she's just another person that can sing and dance in front of cameras and then go home and take dirty pictures of herself. I'm watching you Miley! I AM NOT A MILEY FAN!!!!! >:-(
OMG You people think wierdly but if you think about I have say that Miley is the wrong role model she has no class no point all she does is try to show off and act like she's better than everyone else and tries to older than she is for gosh sakes shes only a little 15 year old, shes stupid trying to fit in the crowd taking everyone money with her stupid hannah montana crap thats in stores the only reason she sings is that her father got her to where she is now he writes all the songs and everything and miley doesn't even recognize how great she's doing at her age, but I still hate her no matter what anyone may say I hope all that dye seeks into her brain and kills her, because she has no right to be in the public eye of any sort!!
Well, you may be right about the media but John3:16 is also very correct. I don't think Christians take "potential lesbian" photos and put them on the interent. Celebrities are celebrities and we ALL know how they turn out (unless you don't have eyeballs.) We should NOT be at the feet of a 15-year-old girl who is using a body double. It may only be for changing purposes but she could have easily just gone and changed after the Hannah Montana concert and had the Jonas brothers play. People and mainly little children will mimick Miley's every move- we are not stupid to see that. So far she has not done drugs but so far she's been getting a little bit dirty. I wouldn't be very surprised if she was the next Britney Spears! You never know these days what they do. A lot of people "fricken care" about what is going on. ~The Greek Girl~
Well, you may be right about the media but John3:16 is also very correct. I don't think Christians take "potential lesbian" photos and put them on the interent. Celebrities are celebrities and we ALL know how they turn out (unless you don't have eyeballs.) We should NOT be at the feet of a 15-year-old girl who is using a body double. It may only be for changing purposes but she could have easily just gone and changed after the Hannah Montana concert and had the Jonas brothers play. People and mainly little children will mimick Miley's every move- we are not stupid to see that. So far she has not done drugs but so far she's been getting a little bit dirty. I wouldn't be very surprised if she was the next Britney Spears! You never know these days what they do. A lot of people "fricken care" about what is going on. ~The Greek Girl~
oops- sorry for pasting 2 comments!!
I really love hannah and miley
and I would like to have this double life also
love Jamie lynn spears
I think that it is ridiculous that she is getting beat up on.
I mean, your right, she doesn't do drugs, she doesn't have sex with random dudes (cough cough jamie cough cough) she doesn't have duis and she is always nice and friendly
if you ask me hollywood is just trying to get money because people only pay attention nowadays to the bad things and not he fine things.
okay so you're saying that a fifteen year old girl who wears low cut tops and dresses inappropriately is a good model. way to go genius'.
lol every one should stop commenting coz its making this bigger than it should be lol :)
and a body double is a good idea :)
whever this person is, is soo rite!! u rock....miley cyrus is innocent. the press needs to leave her alone!♥i hope u rite more against the press......but i would like to tell u something, jamie lynn spears is hot! she lookz sexci gettin knocked up!! more ppl shood b like her! im even thinkin abt it.....maybe shed like to get knocked up again but by a different person this time, if u noe what i mean ;]........lol......
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Yo, check out this interview Miley did with Ryan Seacrest... IT'S GOOD!
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