In a shocking interview for MTVU's Halfof Brittany Snow becomes another one of the Hollywood's starlets to admit to having had an eating disorder. Snows story is drastic and scary, and reveals another side of the talented young star.
Brittany Snow claimed she first developed her disorder on the set of a soap opera when she was only 12 years old. "It kind of progressed into this thing where I needed to always be dieting and losing weight and more weight,"said Snow.
By the time the young actress turned fifteen, she was stepping on the scale as many as fifteen times a day, "before lunch, after lunch, during lunch...". And the numbers appearing beneath her withering frame were astoundingly low. At the time she weighed only 85 pounds...and to Snow that was 85 pounds too much.
"I knew that was a really low number and I knew that my hair was falling out and I had really weird skin. My face looked really weird and I was getting this fuzz on my face and I was always cold – always to the point of uncontrollably shaking," she says. " "I remember being scared but, I was more scared that 85 lbs. wasn't good enough. I wanted to be lower."
The eating disorder wasn't Snow's only problem. She soon began cutting herself. "I would look at the scars and what I had done to myself and that would convince me not to eat." The actress claimed she was crying out for help, hoping someone would see her and get her the help she needed.
Snow did get that help, at 19 she found herself in rehab being treated for depression and her eating disorder.
Today Snow STILL battles with food...the demons of her past always lurking nearby. She does have advice for individuals going through similar struggles, "It's very important to talk to anybody. Maybe the first step is just to talk to a friend about it." "It's really brave to go talk to somebody, but it's so important."
Snow wasn't the only celebrity to share a life-threatening story with fans. Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz and Mary J. Blige also talked about their battles with depression and attempted suicides on the website. To view them go to
And while this story deserves a post of its own, I'm feeling lazy, so I'm tacking it onto here. While Hollywood rumors have been buzzing that Heroes stars Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden Panettiere are dating...a cast member says not so fast. The fact that he's 30 and she's a18 haven't stopped the rumor mill, so Jayson Kyson Lee has. "The rumor is not true. Let's just end it there."
I'm right there with you. It actually creeps me out (as much as I love Milo) that the two of them would even CONSIDER dating. Ashton and Demi is one thing... But until less than a month ago Hayden wasn't even LEGAL! Besides I predict she will be the next Lindsay Milo my can do much better. Between that rumor and the Miley Cyrus pregnancy scare the Hollywood rumor mills have certainly had their hands full.
As we have no proof that Ms. Cyrus has even become a blossoming woman yet I'll wait until I see a 9 month pregnant stomach to believe such things. As for Hayden and Milo that would be wayyyy to strange for me. As stated if she did this when she was say 25 and he 40 I'd be less freaked out. A 25 year old girl has an ok idea of the world. 18 year old girls have no idea. I mean what would their conversations be like?
I can't believe the news about Brittany Snow. I LOVED American Dreams and according to what she said, she was still dealing with this while the show was still on the air. It's good that she's coming forward with this though, because it will hopefully help other young girls/teens out there.
On a side note, I love that both Brittany and Milo were mentioned in the same blog, since he was her boyfriend on the show (American Dreams) during its last season. Speaking of age differences, they're nine years apart and had to do quite a few scenes of making out together (including the one in which she lost her virginity to him). But that's obviously different since they were acting and nine years is a little bit different than twelve; so it's not as weird.
Am I the only one who watched American Dreams? Anyone else been missing it since it went off the air in 2005?
I watched one episode...on accident...I thought it was a TV movie. I remember it had Hilary and Haylie Duff guest starring as some singing group. I lost all my respect for it afterwards (j/k).
I honestly wish I would have watched, though. I heard really good things about it.
I commend EBUZZ for taking on the issue of eating disorders and I applaud Brittany Snow for voicing what is a REALLY prominent issue with lots of blossoming young girls out there- their weight..It is hard to stomach though that Ms. Snow has had a serious struggle with eating disorders because I have always looked at her in the past on American Dreams (which I liked too) and other roles as so wholesome and sweet, yet appearances can be decieving and this image she puts out is a false advertisement for girls- Until now. The fact she has the strength to put out her story, express the sadness of it and acknowledge it is a battle she has daily hopefully has the power to make other girls dealing with similar disorders to recognize they have problems and deal with it..I am not just talking about anorexia but bulimia- I have seen these problems progress to such high degrees where friend's lifes have been deeply changed and threatened by continuing to do nothing about these diseases..Again, thank you ebuzz for giving yong girls and boys clarification that IMAGE is not the only factor in happiness and that having control of one's health both mind and body acheives a more authentic and REAL happiness! <3 ebuzz rox ; )
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